iPhone Manual Update to the Latest Version

Having a smart phone device, at least we need to know about the technology update. Yes, as long as time passed by, the technology of the devices are being upgraded into the newer version. Here, speaking about iPhone, the iOS which is being the operation system of the iPhone device is always upgraded as it for giving the best service for the users. Through the update, people will have their iPhone user interface in a new condition by renewing something that iOS done. Here, we are going to talk about how to iPhone manual update into the latest version.

From iosmanuals.com, here will be the steps of iPhone manual update. In case of updating the iPhone into the latest version, we now can get the iOS 9.0.1. To get the manual update we need to use the firmware and iTunes. However, this is a kind of advanced in case of updating the version because we need to download the firmware first. To download the firmware, we can search on the internet because there are many websites which have been available for downloading the firmware. Then we have to get the iTunes version 12.3. This is needed in order to support the iOS 9.

After all, we need the USB or the lighting cable that can be detected to the iOS device. More, one thing for sure, the computer that we use has been installed with the latest version of iTunes. Done with your updates, you will get the iOS 9.0 or 9.0.1 which is easier to most users. In case of using Mac with OS X or Windows PC, all the instruction is similar. The important of this iPhone manual update is about the firmware that we download. Make sure that the firmware that we use is right. In the end of the process, your device will reboot automatically.

Taken From iphone7manuals.com

iPhone 8


iPhone 8 Will Have New Design Wrapped in Glass - Apple is considering to replace the protective glass 3D on iPhone 7 to 2.5 D on iPhone 8. According to Kuo, the 2.5 D glass more durable head off scratches than 3D,  traced his arches of the piece.

Great move Apple change the design on the iPhone 8 is said to be inspired on the popularity of the iPhone variant 7 Jet Black. According to the survey of KGI, Jet Black models contribute to 30 to 35 percent of iPhone sales 7.

This indicates that the Apple lovers are excited to welcome the changes that brought the Apple. Maybe the design is wrapped in glass on the front and back side of the iPhone 8 well into the strategy to maintain the enthusiasm of the fanboy. Read more about iPhone 8 Manual.